Consecrated to Mother and Yogi Ramsuratkumar


1. Package / Modular Type Effluent Treatment and Sewage Treatment Plant of capacity 5 KLD to 200 KLD of following models:

  1. Conventional ASP Model
  2. SBR Model
  3. MBBR Model
  4. MBR Model
  5. HUASBR-SBR Model
  6. HUASBR – MBBR Model
  7. HUASBR – MBR Model

2. Onsite Systems - 5 KLD To Any Limit Adopting Suitable Combination Of Technologies

3. ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) Systems in its Totality

  1. Unit Treatment Systems
  2. Micro Screens
  3. Auto Dosing Systems
  4. Clarifier Mechanisms
  5. DAF Units
  6. Volute Type Sludge Dewatering Units
  7. MBR
  8. Multi Media Filters
  9. Automatic Self Cleaning filters
  10. Disc Filters
  11. UV systems
  12. Ozonators
  13. Electrodialysis Units
  14. MF Units
  15. UF Units
  16. RO Units
  17. Evaporator Units
  18. Crystallizers